Sunday, May 1, 2022

Time to Gamify: Initial Rules

I've been really digging the videos from "Better Than Yesterday" on Youtube. Today, I came across one about turning life into a game:

I love it. This feels like it will be so useful in helping deal with the problems I'm facing in daily work motivation.

I'd catch everyone up on everything, but that'd take forever, and frankly, returning to this blog right now is for me. But I'll still give high notes of where things are right now. For future me to read. 

  1. My wife and I have been married for over a decade. My first-and-only child turns 7 years old later this month.
  2. From a week before she was born until last June, I didn't have a solid job, but solid investments and some good luck paved the way to that not being an issue.
  3. As above, I started a job last June. Doing programming with Brian again. with C#.
  4. Investments can probably continue to make the job unnecessary, but it does provide a nice cushion, and frankly the market sucks right now, so it's better to NOT pull out money (and to dump more in to the extent that's possible). Continuing this job will help with that.
  5. This is another job that's pretty much all about the money. I was happy to leave my last gig for that reason. Life's too short and whatnot. But the money is meaningful to my family. And that's important enough for me to stay.
  6. I've been struggling HARD with staying motivated enough to actually accomplish much at work. I'm hoping to change that, by embracing some of the Gamification Stuff from the video above. 

Here are the Rules:
  1. Each project / distinct task is a level. Some levels are easy. Some aren't. If they are too easy, they can be grouped to create a cluster of stages making up a level. Currently, I'm probably on level 76 or something, but we'll just call it level 2. Because I finished level one in the first half of the current project, and each is big enough to be distinct.
    1. Level 2 has the following stages:
      Heading, Left Column, Right/Center Column, and Finalize Order Execution. 
    2. Technically, the last one there is part of the heading, but it was set up as a distinct section in the requirements, so it's getting a full-blown stage. 
    3. I have completed the stage 2-1: Heading w/o Finalize Order Button. I've started on stage 2-2: Left Column. I'm about 25% of the way through completing stage 2-2.
  2. Each stage that I complete, unlocks the purchase of ~$5 in Pokemon cards. Because I'm getting addicted to Pokemon cards. Each level I complete unlocks my choice of the ability to play in an online pokemon tournament OR purchase of ~$25 in Pokemon cards. Purchases unlocked within a given level must be for the same deck, so if I want to build new decks IRL, I've got to reach a new level.
  3. Down the road, there will likely be new things that get gamified. New levels added as side quests. For exercise and probably some other stuff. Actually, now that I think about it...
  4. I'll start the exercise side on the "Walk The Dog" level, which we'll call level A (so that we can progress in both dimensions separately. That means, currently, I'm on level 2A-2a. Walk the Dog will also have 4 stages, but with a time limit of one week for completion (after which time, you get reset to A-a). Not sure what the reward will be for this one though. Will have to think on it.

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